Seven Serrans Prayer Program

Vocation directors’ jobs are very difficult. In addition to vocation director duties, a vocation director may be serving four parishes.  Another may be a half-time vocation director with no secretary to help. The pressure is great. Many vocation directors have pastors tell them that fostering vocations is their job and offer no help.  All this challenge occurs at a time when vocations numbers are in serious decline.


Our vocation directors need our prayers. This is part of our mission as Serrans.  This is the best gift we can give them.

The Serra Club of Southwest Denver has two seven-member teams who each pray every day for a particular vocation director by name.  One of the seven members of each team prays for one hour on one day of the week.  Each team member prays on a different day of the week, so all seven days of the week are covered.  In this way, each team covers their vocation director in prayer one hour every day for the entire year.  

Mass is a wonderful prayer, and offering a daily mass and communion for the assigned vocation director is a great beginning to an hour of prayer for him. The hour of prayer can be completed with a rosary or time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. A holy hour in Adoration is another great way to pray.